Resourcefulness and Creativity

We define resourcefulness as a set of cognitive-behavioral self-control skills for coping with stress to maintain quality of life. 

Resourcefulness has been known to increase quality of life, which may include adaptive functioning, life satisfaction, perceived health, psychological well-being, physical functioning, and positive health factors. Furthermore, individuals high in learned resourcefulness are better at controlling negative emotions and managing stressful tasks.

We define creativity as the ability to come up with ideas that are original or novel and useful or appropriate.

Creativity has long been considered the most essential skill for accomplishment. Moreover, in a 2010 survey of 1,500 chief executives in 33 industries, "creativity" was the factor most crucial for success. Additionally, skills in creativity are necessary in attaining higher employment and economic achievement, and coping with increased competition.

Where We Come In

All students deserve an equal chance at success and all students deserve a high quality of life. That's why we bring Uncharted Power's Think Out Of Bounds curriculum to New York schools.

Think Out Of Bounds is proven to be effective as an intervention tool for building creativity and resourcefulness. 

The Proof

Check out our White Paper here detailing the efficacy of the Think Out Of Bounds curriculum.

Drop us a line

Looking to bring a dynamic STEM and creative thinking curriculum to your school? Contact us.